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Monday, August 30, 2010

Undead Inspiration

 Some friends and I were spectators at the recent Zombie Walk in Lincoln.  Yvonne Meyer took these photographs.  There was a procession, an enactment of the zombies overtaking a military blockade, and then a dance.  Generally it was good clean fun that made me miss my yesteryears as a blossoming speech geek.  The zombies were very well behaved, they obeyed all crosswalks and did not eat anyone.  Here they are patiently waiting for the start of the undead parade. 

I loved the kangaroo zombie.  We also saw Micheal Jackson zombie, Santa Zombie, and Disneyland tourist zombies.  If I participate next year I want our crowd to have a theme.  I will have to think on this.  I like the idea of a parade gone wrong so maybe a majorette, some Shriner types, etc. all throwing treats at the human spectators. 

All this has inspired me to do one of my Halloween parties as a Prombie.  Think undead in formal wear.  I have the disco ball; all I need is a black balloon arch and a heaping dose of teenage angst.  Imagine the couple pictures, and the dead corsages.  So I begin preparations.  Or I am stalling because I still haven't finalized my vision for this week's Labor Day Cookout?  Could there be a less exciting holiday?


  1. Prombie! I think you'd better patent this idea.

  2. I stold the term "Prombie" from the description of the street dance after the Zombie Walk. I cannot take credit for the term.

  3. I mean I took the description from the Lincoln Journal Star's description of event.
